功效:選用阿拉斯加深海魚提煉而成的純正魚油,含豐富奧米加-3脂肪酸EPA及DHA,經科研證明,有效減低有害脂肪積聚於身體和血管璧,因此,有保護心腦血管, 強化免疫力、 加強關節及皮膚健康等效益,也是構成大腦神經細胞及眼睛組織的重要元素。
Omega 3 1000mg 60pcs Softgel Capsules
Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA) from Alaska deep sea purified fish oil can help lower fatty buildup levels inside the body and blood vessel walls that support cardio-cerebral-vascular, inmune, joint and even skin strength and good health. Omega-3 acids are major component for normal growth and development of nervous, Brian and eye tissues.